ISSA Phoenix Chapter Mission
Provide a forum for the education of information security to its members through presentations and open discussions on topics important to the members and the information security industry.
ISSA Phoenix Chapter goals and objectives
Offer products and services that deliver value to members (website, newsletter)
Enhance its members’ professional growth
Maintain the ability to provide expert and high-quality speakers at chapter meeting
Support the enhancement of the credence and legitimacy of the information security profession
Support ISSA’s objective to establish itself as the leadership voice of the profession
Increase Membership
Encourage local information security professionals to attend chapter meetings and join ISSA
Encourage existing members to spread the word about ISSA
Develop correspondence to recruit new members and sustain existing members
Conduct membership drives
Continually identify ways to improve the Phoenix ISSA Chapter initiatives
Support ISSA’s endorsement of the CISSP
Establish relationships with similar associations in Phoenix
Conduct annual survey to identify the ongoing interests and needs of the members and the industry
Make effective use of funds through budgeting
Provide the foundation for an ongoing chapter for many years to come…